Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ocean Research

Watch the video on Mrs. Hulburt's Blog about waves and tides.

Visit the following sites to answer the questions about oceans:

1. What Causes Waves?

2. What about tides?

3. What does a wave look like?

4. How are Gravity and Waves related?

5. What does the Earth look like during high and low tides?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Feed People and Prepare for Carlsbad!

1. Learn about Free Rice

2. Now see how big you can make your donation!

3. Watch a video about Carlsbad Caverns

4. Take the Carlsbad Caverns Quiz

5. When you're done with the quiz, you can practice your math.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beaulieu - El Paso Missions

Texas republic, statehood and civil war: click here

You are traveling to the missions on Friday, May 30th. These three missions are part of living history. Click on this site to find out information about them.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cave Formations: Read the information provided on the following pages to find out about what you will see inside Carlsbad Caverns!

Kids Pages Cave Formations

Virtual Cave