Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mrs. Hulburt's Class-Blogging 1/20/10

1. We need to work on writing QUALITY comments to our blogs. A quality comment tells the writer more than just "I liked it", "I agree" or "That was good". A quality comment tells the writer specific things that they are doing well AND specific areas that they need to improve. Read these entries and the quality comments to get some ideas:
Jenny's Response Audrey
Jenny's Response to Christian
Jenny's Response to Christopher
Melissa's Response to Perla
Melisss'a Response to Noah

2. Now try your hand at writing a quality comment on Mrs. Hulburt's Post of the Week

3. Visit your blog to see if you have any new comments. If you do, answer back to the writer of the comment...tell them what you think about their praise and suggestions.

4. Visit the blog that Mrs. Hulburt assigned to you. Select one of the entries and write a QUALITY comment.

5. Log in to your blog and check to see if you have any drafts that need to be finished and published. If you do, work on those. If you don't you can either post a new entry or visit and comment on other classmates blogs.

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